Love as the Antidote to Fear
One of the beautiful souls who is participating in my membership program, Root + Rise recently reminded me of this powerful quote by the unforgettable bell hooks from her masterpiece, All About Love.
If ever there was a time to remember and embody the urgent wisdom of hooks’ words, it’s now.
I know I’ve written about Love fairly frequently. And I shall continue to, because it’s an expansion for me every time I do. It is an invitation into allowing in Love’s liberating frequencies, a surrender into remembering that I am Love every time I forget - especially in this global moment, in this collective crucible of transformation that we’re all in.
I write about Love. I call it back in when my nervous system becomes frazzled from forgetting and I can feel my energy being colonised by fear-driven agendas. I gently whisper to all the inner forgetful ones - “Remember that you are Love.”
And then - space.
Love expresses itself in many ways. For me, first and foremost, Love is the spaciousness of freedom. It is the frequency of the heart’s openness that creates the space for all of our inner diversity to be and unfold and dialogue and dance and explore oppositions and sometimes even unite to birth anew.
As within, so without.
When we remember that we are Love, when we drop our awareness into the heart’s vibration, we not only create the inner space for our soul’s beautiful biodiversity, but also for the dynamic, pulsing diversity of the world around us.
Because here’s the paradox we're here to embody: Unity is born through the celebration and exaltation of diversity.
No two souls are the same.
Our souls came here to sing their own unique songs - without fear, shame and apology.
To contort the wild wholeness of our rainbow-hued souls into suffocating boxes of sameness is not the spaciousness Love. It is the supremacy of fear and the gluttony of control.
To be in heart-based, spacious approval of our own authentic choices, and those of others is being the dignifying frequency of Love.
And did you know: the heart’s field extends out as much as four to six feet away from the human body. It’s our most powerful source of electromagnetic energy, around 60 times greater than the electrical activity generated by the brain.
And what is the heart’s frequency if not the liberating spaciousness of Love?
I don’t know about you - but I and many others - believe that we are being called to participate in a global revolution of the fearless heart.
And we can begin by remembering that we are living, breathing expressions of Love.