Grace by Martín Mancha
A monthly online trauma-informed space to cultivate freedom from wounded money stories living in our bodies, our psyches + our nervous systems.
Together, we will propagate new, collaborative connections with the spirit of money, evolving beyond financial systems built on scarcity, oppression + struggle, and embody new ways of working with, relating to and stewarding money + prosperity.
Our next monthly online session is on Saturday January 25th from 1 pm - 3pm PST/4pm - 6pm ET
The exchange is $44
As much of our time together will be trauma-informed practice, and to encourage you to go deep, share, heal + integrate, these sessions are not recorded.
While we will flow with the organic energies arising in each session, our time together is resourced by the frequency of going deep in the first hour and then gently moving into the sensational + radical experience of anchoring our relationship with money in ease + joy instead of fear + pain.

The intention is to light the spark and fan the flames of a new relationship with money. This focus of consciously relating from an animist perspective is a key aspect of decolonial (inner-decolonization) practice.
Decolonial practice is liberation work.
Applying this to our relationship with money involves composting the harmful ways that we’ve been trained to exploit ourselves, each other and the planet in the name of money.
If we listen, money is saying not in my name.
As we dissolve these systems of harm living within us without our conscious consent, we open up space in our bodies + nervous systems to seed meaningful relationships with money that are aligned with our soul’s values.

Money wants to evolve through us, it wants to move in the world as an abundant + creative expression of our soul-based, life affirming values.
But first, we liberate our soul-bodies + cultivate safety and trust around money.
If you’re sensitive, creative, spiritual, altruistic, a change-maker, it’s likely that you don’t feel too safe around money ~ a completely natural response to the artificial systems that have been constructed around the organic energy of exchange + potential that is money.
Meanwhile, decolonial work is the cultivation of right relationship with all phenomena, including money.
And we cannot be in right relationship with something we don’t feel safe with.
Here’s the thing: we’re evolving into a time where money wants to collaborate + co-create with us. It wants to support us + our communities birth realities rooted in the Indigenous both/and way of thriving sufficiency.
Together, we learn to cultivate safety around money.

Each month, we deepen into all this and more.
We’ll participate in trauma-informed somatic + energy practices to witness + resolve the money wounds that live in our bodies + nervous systems, both our own and intergenerational, caused by the artificial systems of harm, exploitation + scarcity that have been constructed around money.
Decolonial teachings + transmissions on the numinous essence + mythos of money will be woven in through our practice, allowing you to seed your own evolving, generative meanings about and relationship with the current of money.
This informs a profound shift towards freedom + wisdom, creativity + responsibility in how we work + play with money.
Together, we will:
cultivate safety with + capacity for money through the body + nervous system
explore having an embodied, collaborative relationship with money
evolve out of using money as a force of exploitation, and move towards working with money to express our soul’s life-affirming values in the world
re-cognize + integrate the forgotten truth that abundance is natural
re-align the flow of currency with Nature’s cycles of creation, sustenance + dissolution
learn the art of stewarding abundance + resource from an Indigenous perspective
Presented + facilitated by Rohini Walker
Rohini is an Indian-born British writer and trauma-informed somatic + energy alchemy counselor, mentor and coach, with 15 years’ training and experience in diverse eastern + western modalities of inner work and spirituality. Her integrative approach coalesces through the lens of soul-body decolonization.
She works groups + individuals exploring the intersection between decoloniality and the indigenous, essential qualities of the soul through the lenses of mythology, nature and inner-alchemy. She’s also the co-creator of the print publication, Luna Arcana.
Rohini lives in the California Mojave Desert, where she’s been planted for the last ten years.