Love is Not a Currency of Exchange, Part II
In Part I, I wrote about the current of unconditional Love that we all essentially are, that runs through us as the electricity of dynamic sensation or Eros.
Unconditional Love is a non-dual dance of life force energy - with no myopic moralizing qualities of “good” or “bad” but rather, to re-echo the sentiments of the courtesan-priestess Diotima from Plato’s Symposium, something that exists in the in between.
This very much goes against the grain of love as some quality of rigid morality, as peddled by patriarchal mono-narratives; a sad slop of tasteless gruel to be doled out in exchange for compliance to whatever external structures of belief we have to siphon our power out to.
And angry-jealous-old-fiction-of-a-Father-God help you if you dare to ask for more!
Oliver’s Twist’s ill-fated request for more gruel.
Love - as the non-dual force of nature that we all innately are - requires no small amount of courage to embody. To walk this path means that it is more than likely that you will be persecuted, burned at the stake - nowadays called cancelling - silenced...all those creaky old fixtures of the fascist, patriarchal colonizer.
And if you’re interested in inner-decolonization and radical self-liberation for yourself and all beings - also known as the vow of the Samsara-surfing Bodhisattva - then this dangerous path of unconditional, non dual Love has to be trodden.
Embodying this essence of Love means first and foremost to be utterly, grossly, humiliatingly, embarrassingly turned on by all that You are, and all that your flawed and less than perfect Life is right now.
This is not easy, I know. Especially when we have to adhere to all these frigid, stifling imperatives of what we and our lives should be in exchange for the scraps of feeling worthy and good and lovable.
But wait. What if I told you that you don’t have to adhere to this turgid old hogwash.
I mean - you can choose to play along - and the payoff is that you’ll get to feel safe and familiar in the wretchedness of having to relentlessly prove your worth and lovability while attaining the socialy sanctioned currency of feeling perpetually victimized.
Or you can choose not to, and come play in the deeply dangerous embrace of the wholeness of Love that you always already are, in all your unsaintly wholeness.
Full disclosure: with the latter choice, Death is certain. And so is wide awake, intensely meaningful Life.
If you choose the wholeness of Love, Life and Death, then your point of entry’ve guessed it...your beautiful body, pulsing with paradox and blood and Eros.
To experience this sort of Love in an embodied way means just that - to be embodied. Which is to say: to practice the art of being present in your body as much as you can.
Because the sad fact is that we have collectively been colonized into becoming disembodied.
What I mean is that we’ve been taught to become suspicious of our body’s innate wisdom, their innate yes and no, their innate archetypes, speaking to us through the never-lying language of sensation, the non-dual language of Love, the in-between.
We have been taught to judge these sensations as “good” and “bad” instead of learning to make space for our innate biodiversity, and relate to them - which is the warp and weft of Unconditional Love.
We have been colonized into giving away our power to external authorities and overly intellectualized mono-narratives that violate our bodies and their authentic ‘yes’ or ‘no'. Sometimes the yes and no exist at the same time: the Life force of Unconditional Love allows us to make space for both, for all of the complexities of paradox that we essentially are.
Because: what we cannot make space for and relate to in our bodies, we cannot make space for and relate to in the world.
I leave you for now with this: are you willing to be in relationship with all that you are, and all that your life is? Are you willing to fully incarnate into your life and your body?
Because that is the first and most important step towards allowing the annihilating-liberating, disgustingly unconditional Love that Divinity has for you at every single moment to penetrate you from above and below.
You don’t need to earn this Love, or be worthy of it: you already are that which you seek.