This is a friendly Mystery

As I sit down and look at the blank page in front of me, a sense of panic bubbles up. The last few months have been a ride. Life has taken me apart, and is putting me back together. These days, I’m leaning into being + doing from someplace new, a place that’s still a Mystery to me, not unlike a blank page.

Hold Me Under (Datura) by my talented friend, Richelle Rich (@richellerich)

The bubbling up of panic is the part of me that needs certainty about what I’m going to write about today.

​But in this moment, there’s no certainty, just a gentle desire to connect. And as I invite + allow that certainty-grasping part of me to co-regulate with my Self, the panic slowly breathes + transmutes into calmness.

I write to you today from deep within the Mystery, which feels like it’s smiling at me, at you through me.

It’s ok not to know, and to trust your Self anyway.

It’s ok to be here now; to be our own permission, get out of the way and allow the wildest desires of the cosmos to move through us into being.

It’s ok to set down the straight line of time for a spell, drop into the eternal spiral, and remember the future in this mythic now.

It’s ok to excuse ourselves from important things, go outside and spend some moments listening to the wordless wisdom of earth + sky.

It’s ok to befriend the inner knowing that this is a friendly Mystery - in wise defiance of all that says otherwise.

Emptiness is an invitation to refill yourself from the ever-renewable resource of this loving Mystery, within and all around you.

The unfolding Mystery in me winks at the unfolding Mystery in you.


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Trippy Wisdom