Introducing ROOT+RISE
I have always been fascinated by roots. Those parts of plants and trees that live underground, feeding that which exists above, just as the sunlight feeds the subterranean synapses.
Love is Not a Currency of Exchange, Part II
Unconditional Love is a non-dual dance of life force energy - with no myopic moralizing qualities of “good” or “bad” but rather, to re-echo the sentiments of the courtesan-priestess Diotima from Plato’s Symposium, something that exists in the in between.
Love is Not a Currency of Exchange, Part I
I wanted to write today about that much overused and misunderstood four letter word: Love.
A beloved teacher of mine is fond of reiterating the truth that real unconditional love is absolutely humiliating and excruciating - along with true full-bodied gratitude - you know, the sort that’s free of the armory of hollow, spiritual platitudes and instead opens you up to the visceral realisation that you and all of life is one giant miraculous explosion-implosion of deep wonder and magic, and as profoundly fleeting as the blink of an eye.
Dogma as Colonization
The use of dogma - meaning “a settled opinion, a principle as being firmly established” - is one of the foundational instruments of the method of psychological manipulation known as propaganda.
Social Media as Portal into Somatic Self-Inquiry
For a while now, I’ve been experimenting with my – ahem - complicated relationship with social media as a way to enter into somatic inquiry. Recently, my somatic therapy teacher included this practice in our syllabus, so I’m being called to shine a light on it here.
Of Compassion + Courage
Can we be fully, curiously ALIVE in and to the authentic, decolonized story that we came to this life to live?
Because if not, we find ourselves in a state of dull and meaningless atrophy instead of vividly, meaningfully awake.
Remember, You Will Die
Memento Mori - the Latin phrase translating as "Remember, You Will Die" is well-known in our culture and society and yet deeply misunderstood.
Community + Biodiversity
You probably already know that the health of the soil is foundational - literally - to the density of nutrients in the food we eat. The condition of the elemental earth from which crops grow, from which the grass that livestock graze on, who then provide the meat and milk that many of us consume, is crucial to our own health and well-being.
Beauty + Terror
I was born in India, where I spent the first ten years of my life, before my family and I immigrated to the UK. One of my favorite things about India was my maternal grandmother, my Didu, who was the love of my early life.
On Emptiness + Soup
If you were given the choice between perceiving reality in the limited, mainstream, subject-object, grasping-rejecting cycle of ho-hum meh; or relating to it in the psychedelic, everything is alive, subject-subject dance of interdependence that it really is, which would you choose?
The Innate Queerness of Magic, Part II
Let’s wade into the waters of synchronicities - which I introduced as “the resonant relationship between a subjective (inner)event or field of meaning and an objective (outer) event.”
The Innate Queerness of Magic, Part I
Today, I want to invite you down a deep rabbit hole with the question:
What is Magic?