You are not a demographic
Rohini Walker Rohini Walker

You are not a demographic

I’m often asked to identify the audience sector or (horror of horrors) the demographic that my work, creations and offerings are aimed at.

​This makes me chuckle.

​A few lifetimes ago, I worked in an environment that sought to strip the human soul of all her rich, wild depths and reduce her to her lowest (and most meaningless) common denominator: a demographic which needs to be force-fed a specific flavour of scarcity and not-good-enoughness in order to keep her in a trance of feeling perpetually lacking and incomplete.

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On White Buffalo Woman + Discernment
Rohini Walker Rohini Walker

On White Buffalo Woman + Discernment

If ever there was a time that White Buffalo Woman needed to be called into the collective, it's now. And of course, when this sort of work is done in a group situation, the effects are amplified.

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Love as the Antidote to Fear
Rohini Walker Rohini Walker

Love as the Antidote to Fear

One of the beautiful souls who is participating in my membership program, Root + Rise recently reminded me of this powerful quote by the unforgettable bell hooks from her masterpiece, All About Love.

​If ever there was a time to remember and embody the urgent wisdom of hooks’ words, it’s now.

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The Courage to Love (Your Self)
Rohini Walker Rohini Walker

The Courage to Love (Your Self)

The other day, my sister, Tara, told me a compelling little story about one of my favourite humans, my two year old niece, Ila (pronounced eye-la ;))

​Tara usually tells her “Ila makes mama happy.” To which Ila responds “Mama makes Ila happy.” This time she also went on to say, “Ila makes Ila happy.” And then proceeded to give her reflection in the mirror a wholehearted kiss.

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Vulnerability Hangover
Rohini Walker Rohini Walker

Vulnerability Hangover

A combination of ongoing deep-dive inner adventures around unveiling, dissolving and creating new, authentic meanings around deep, swampy layers of shame, voluntarily putting myself into the fire-walk of launching my first group container, and the loveliness of being in juicy conversation with a good friend led to me briefly talking about an event in my late twenties, when I still lived in England, that ruptured mine and my family’s life beyond all recognition.

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Intuiton + Projection, Part II
Rohini Walker Rohini Walker

Intuiton + Projection, Part II

In Part I, I described the differences between intuition + projection from an intellectual perspective. So very much more can be said, and I hope some of my observations encourage you to embark on your own lines of inquiry. This really is such a rich and nuanced topic, and one that can have a lasting and transformative impact on many areas of Life.

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Intuition + Projection, Part I
Rohini Walker Rohini Walker

Intuition + Projection, Part I

I’m often asked about how one differentiates between intuition and projection. For me, the answer invariably points towards learning to decipher the quality of energy and sensation which - you’ve guessed it - can be accessed through the body.

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Become ok with being disliked
Rohini Walker Rohini Walker

Become ok with being disliked

I don’t know about you, but to me the dominant culture of being liked + approved of - especially on the social media circuit - feels like a popularity contest hopped up on steroids.

​This is colonizer culture 101: where our priceless + indestructible innate self-worth is put under the absurd guillotine of external approval.

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The Stone of the Wise
Rohini Walker Rohini Walker

The Stone of the Wise

The Philosopher’s Stone is the desired outcome of (inner/outer) alchemy.

And VITRIOL is both the literal laboratory chemical and the individual’s fire of sublimating desire that sets the 7 stages of alchemy in motion. VITRIOL also transmutes and awakens into a blissful brain hormone - what I have come to understand as a sort of amrita - Sanskrit for nectar of the gods/of immortality, that exists largely dormant in all of us.

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Introducing ROOT+RISE
Rohini Walker Rohini Walker

Introducing ROOT+RISE

I have always been fascinated by roots. Those parts of plants and trees that live underground, feeding that which exists above, just as the sunlight feeds the subterranean synapses.

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Love is Not a Currency of Exchange, Part II
Rohini Walker Rohini Walker

Love is Not a Currency of Exchange, Part II

Unconditional Love is a non-dual dance of life force energy - with no myopic moralizing qualities of “good” or “bad” but rather, to re-echo the sentiments of the courtesan-priestess Diotima from Plato’s Symposium, something that exists in the in between.

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Love is Not a Currency of Exchange, Part I
Rohini Walker Rohini Walker

Love is Not a Currency of Exchange, Part I

I wanted to write today about that much overused and misunderstood four letter word: Love.

​A beloved teacher of mine is fond of reiterating the truth that real unconditional love is absolutely humiliating and excruciating - along with true full-bodied gratitude - you know, the sort that’s free of the armory of hollow, spiritual platitudes and instead opens you up to the visceral realisation that you and all of life is one giant miraculous explosion-implosion of deep wonder and magic, and as profoundly fleeting as the blink of an eye.

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Dogma as Colonization
Rohini Walker Rohini Walker

Dogma as Colonization

The use of dogma - meaning “a settled opinion, a principle as being firmly established” - is one of the foundational instruments of the method of psychological manipulation known as propaganda.

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Social Media as Portal into Somatic Self-Inquiry
Rohini Walker Rohini Walker

Social Media as Portal into Somatic Self-Inquiry

For a while now, I’ve been experimenting with my – ahem - complicated relationship with social media as a way to enter into somatic inquiry. Recently, my somatic therapy teacher included this practice in our syllabus, so I’m being called to shine a light on it here.

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Of Compassion + Courage
Rohini Walker Rohini Walker

Of Compassion + Courage

Can we be fully, curiously ALIVE in and to the authentic, decolonized story that we came to this life to live?

Because if not, we find ourselves in a state of dull and meaningless atrophy instead of vividly, meaningfully awake.

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Remember, You Will Die
Rohini Walker Rohini Walker

Remember, You Will Die

Memento Mori - the Latin phrase translating as "Remember, You Will Die" is well-known in our culture and society and yet deeply misunderstood.

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Community + Biodiversity
Rohini Walker Rohini Walker

Community + Biodiversity

You probably already know that the health of the soil is foundational - literally - to the density of nutrients in the food we eat. The condition of the elemental earth from which crops grow, from which the grass that livestock graze on, who then provide the meat and milk that many of us consume, is crucial to our own health and well-being.

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Beauty + Terror
Rohini Walker Rohini Walker

Beauty + Terror

I was born in India, where I spent the first ten years of my life, before my family and I immigrated to the UK. One of my favorite things about India was my maternal grandmother, my Didu, who was the love of my early life.

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On Emptiness + Soup
Rohini Walker Rohini Walker

On Emptiness + Soup

If you were given the choice between perceiving reality in the limited, mainstream, subject-object, grasping-rejecting cycle of ho-hum meh; or relating to it in the psychedelic, everything is alive, subject-subject dance of interdependence that it really is, which would you choose?

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